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Main math expressions#

I. Ordinal and relation signs:#

1.firstly, in the first place
2.secondly, in the second place
.point, decimal point
...and so on to
x1x one, x sub one
x→ ∞x approaches infinity,
x tends to infinity
=is equal to
is not equal to, does not equal
α , ~is directly proportional to

approximately equals to,
is approximately equal to
( )parentheses, round brackets
[ ]brackets, square brackets
<is less than
>is greater than
is not greater than
is not greater than of equals

II. Operation signs and terms:#

+addition + (plus), H2+Cl2=2HC
-subtraction – (minus), L-1=a
*multiplication * (multiplied by)
/division / (divided by), 6 mol / 3 mol = 2 mol
divisor / denominator
difference / remainder

III. Fractions:#

1/2one second, or a half
1/3one third, or a third
2/3two thirds
1/4one forth, or a fourth, or a quarter
1/100a hundredth
5/16five sixteenths
23/6twenty-three six
9/9nine ninths
three and five sevenths
ar over br equals
ar over br
five sixths divided by a half equals one and two thirds
to reduce a fraction
-to its lowest terms
-to its highest terms
to convert

IV. Decimal fractions:#

.2point two
0.20 point two, or two tenths
0.020 point two, or two tenths
12.707twelve point seven 0 seven
00, or, zero, or naught, or cipher, or nil (null)

V. Roots:#

root; a fractional exponent
to extract a root
e.g. (the) n-th root of c is equal to b
nindex of a root
bvalue of a root
square root of (x)
cube root of (x)

VI. Powers:#

b to the n-th power is equal to c
b to the n-this equal to c
the n-th power of b is equal to c
b to the power of n is equal to c
b to the power n is equal to c
b squared;
b cubed
b to the power of minusn
npower exponent
cvalue of a power
the m over n-th power of a equals the square root of a to the m-th power

VII. Logarithms:#

the logarithm of c to the base b is equal to n
natural logarithm of a number(ln c)
logarithm expression(common) logarithm of a number (log c; or lg c)
Nvalue of a logarithm

VIII. Other expressions:#

αa prime
αa double prime