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Student's self-study


1. Using example, develop tasks for one of the following videos: your video worksheet should have THREE PHASES: pre-watching, while-watching and post-watching exercises.
  • How To Calculate Gas Volumes?
  • What Is A Mole?
  • How To Use Moles - Part 1
  • How To Use Moles - Part 2
  • How To Use Moles - Part 3
  • Calculating Molarity
  • Moles In Equations
  • Empirical Formulae from Percentage Composition
  • Calculating Molar Volumes Using Experimental Data
  • Percentage Yield. Chemical Calculations
  • Molar Volume of Gas
  • Theoretical Yield & Losses
  • How To Calculate Gas Volumes?
    What Is A Mole?
    How To Use Moles - Part 1
    How To Use Moles - Part 2
    How To Use Moles - Part 3
    Calculating Molarity
    Moles In Equations
    Empirical Formulae from Percentage Composition
    Calculating Molar Volumes Using Experimental Data
    Percentage Yield. Chemical Calculations
    Molar Volume of Gas
    Theoretical Yield & Losses

    Learning objectives:# understand the Avogadro number and mole (of particles) recall and understand the use of the ‘molar volume’ know how to balance ionic equations11.1.1.7 be able to calculate empirical and molecular formulas from analysis data be able to carry out calculations involving quantities of substances expressed in moles11.2.2.4 recall and be able to use the ideal gas equation11.2.2.7 understand the purpose of, be able to carry out, and be able to carry out calculations involving, titration11.2.2.8 be able to calculate theoretical yield and percentage yield of reactions be able express solution concentrations in mol dm-311.2.2.5 know how to balance equations11.1.1.6 understand the use of empirical and molecular formulas11.2.2.9 understand and be able to calculate atom economy

    2. Develop one of the fragments of Lesson plan: you should use#

    • a lesson plan template (Appendix 1);
    • one of the CLIL techniques (Appendix 2);
    • teaching methods; and
    • learning objectives above.