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Bloom Taxonomy

createExplain, why cracking is economically and environmentally important.
evaluateUsing a free radical substitution mechanism, suggest steps to form a 1,1-dichloroethane molecule.
analyseThe boiling points of some straight-chain alkanes: C4H10 (-0.5°C), C5H12 (36.3) C6H14 (68.7).
Explain the trend in these boiling points.
applyHalothane is used as an anesthetic and has the following formula: С2HF3BrCl. Calculate percentage by mass of fluorine in halothane.
understandWrite an equation to show how one molecule of C14H30 is cracked to form one molecule of C8H18 and one molecule of another hydrocarbon.
rememberState what is meant by the term saturated, as applied to hydrocarbons.