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Student's self-study


1. Using example, develop tasks for one of the following videos: your video worksheet should have THREE PHASES: pre-watching, while-watching and post-watching exercises.
  • The Functional Group Concept Explained
  • What Are Structural Isomers
  • The Functional Group Concept Explained
    What Are Structural Isomers

    Learning objectives:# recognise and understand the use of a variety of formula types11.4.2.4 understand and be able to use the IUPAC nomenclature11.4.2.7 understand the formation of sigma and pi bonds and know their occurrence and the implication for molecular shapes11.4.2.10 recall details of the fractionation of oil and the uses of the fractions understand that an organic compound generally consists of a hydrocarbon component plus a functional group11.4.2.5 understand the formation of homologous series and the similarity of properties11.4.2.8 understand the concept of saturation and apply it to the alkanes as a ‘base’ homologous series11.4.2.11 understand homolytic bond fission and the formation of free radicals recognise the common functional groups11.4.2.6 understand why isomerism occurs and be able to draw isomers for given molecular formulas11.4.2.9 recognise the importance of alkanes as fuels, their combustion products and the environmental effects of burning hydrocarbon fuels11.4.2.12 understand catalytic cracking and thermal cracking in terms of a free radical process know and understand the mechanism of photochemical chlorination

    2. Develop one of the fragments of Lesson plan: you should use#

    • a lesson plan template (Appendix 1);
    • one of the CLIL techniques (Appendix 2);
    • teaching methods; and
    • learning objectives above.