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Language structure


Relative clauses are used to define the noun and add extra information. There are relative pronouns that are used in these sentences: who, which, that, when, where and etc.

Defining Relative ClausesNon-defining Relative Clauses
We use defining relative clause to give necessary and essential information.We use non-defining relative clauses to give extra (additional) information.
e.g. Heterolytic fission is the breaking of a covalent bond which results in both electrons going to the same atom.e.g. An electrophile is a species, which are positively charged, can accept a pair of electrons from a species with a high electron density.
! The information in a defining relative clause is essential, so we can’t leave out the relative clause.! The information in a non-defining relative clause is extra information which isn’t essential, so we can leave out the relative clause.