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alkaline earth metals - any of the chemical elements, beryllium, magnesium, calcium, strontium, barium, and radium. They react easily with other substances.

alebaster โ€“ CaSO4ยท2H2O an almost transparent, white stone, often used for making decorative objects.

barium meal - barium sulphate, that is swallowed by a person just before an X-ray is taken of their stomach and bowels, so that these organs can be seen clearly.

calcium hydroxide โ€“ Ca(OH)a white alkaline chemical compound used to make cement and plaster and to reduce acidity in soil.

calcium carbonate โ€“ CaCO3, a common, white chemical compound found naturally as chalk, marble and limestone, and in bones and shells, etc.

flame test โ€“ a test for the presence of particular metal ions, involving holding the substance in a flame. Different ions produce different coloured flames due to a different pattern of electron transitions and corresponding energy emissions on heating.

limestone โ€“ a white or light grey rock that is used as a building material and in the making of cement.

marble โ€“ CaCO3 a type of very hard rock that has a pattern of lines going through it, feels cold, and can be polished to become smooth and shiny.

sparingly soluble โ€“ a substance of which only a very small amount will dissolve.

slaked lime - calcium hydroxide in solid form and is used to neutralize acidic soil.

thermal decomposition โ€“ the process of splitting compounds using heat.

thermal stability โ€“ the degree of resistance to thermal decomposition a compound has.