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๐Ÿ’ฟ Group 2 โ€“ The Alkaline Earth Metal


This is an authentic video. Do not try to understand every word you hear.
Watch and listen for general and specific information by completing the following tasks.

Before you watch:#

Exercise 1. Solve these riddles.#


While you watch:#

Exercise 2. Watch the video (till 1:16) and answer the following questions.#

Exercise 3. Watch the video (1:17-3:10) about the reaction of calcium and magnesium with oxygen and complete the following information with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.#

Exercise 4. Watch the video (3:11-4:10) about the reaction of calcium and magnesium with water and complete the following information with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.#

Exercise 5. How do you think the reaction of calcium with water compares to the reaction of magnesium with water? Please, PAUSE the lesson to think about this and resume when you are done. Then, watch the video (4:11-till the end) and check your answer.#

After you watch:#

Exercise 6. Radium (Ra) is a radioactive element found below barium at the bottom of Group II. Predict the following:#

a) the formula of its ion
b) the formula of its oxide and hydroxide
c) its reactivity compared with barium.