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๐Ÿ’ฟ Mass Spectrometry


This is an authentic video. Do not try to understand every word you hear.
Watch and listen for general and specific information by completing the following tasks.

Before you watch:#

Exercise 1. Look at the following words and phrases, try to guess and explain their relationship to the analytical technique called mass spectrometry.#

beam of electrons โ€“ isotopes - ionization โ€“ electric field โ€“ magnetic field โ€“ spectrum


While you watch:#

Exercise 2. Match the following sentences. Then, watch the first part of the video (till 1:23) and check your answers#

Exercise 3. Watch the video (1:24-3:00) and complete the process of weighing mass using this analytical technique.#

Exercise 4. In summary, complete the definition of a mass spectrometry. Then, watch the last part of the video (3:01-till the end) and check yourself.#

After you watch:#

Exercise 5. Solve this problem.#

The percentage make-up of naturally occurring potassium is 93.11% 39K, 0.12% 40K and 6.77% 41K.
a) What method is used to determine the mass and abundance of each isotope?
b) Use the information to determine the relative atomic mass of potassium.