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Bloom Taxonomy

createThere is this equilibrium CH3CH2COOH + CH3CH2OH β‡Œ CH3CH2COOCH2CH3 + H2O
βˆ†HΞΏ = –22 kJ mol–1 . Predict the effect of an increase in temperature on the amount, in moles, of ester at equilibrium
evaluateThe decomposition of ammonium carbamate to NH3 and CO2 at 30Β°C is written as NH4CO2NH2(s) β‡Œ 2NH3(g) + CO2(g). If the partial pressure of NH3 at equilibrium is 0.124 atm, what is the equilibrium partial pressure of CO2? What is the total gas pressure of the system?
analyseClassify each equilibrium system as either homogeneous or heterogeneous:
a) 2HF(g) β‡Œ H2(g)+F2(g)
b) C(s)+2H2(g)β‡ŒCH4(g)
c) H2C=CH2(g)+H2(g)β‡ŒC2H2(g)
d) 2Mg(s)+O2(g)β‡Œ2MgO(s)
applyFor the equilibrium system 3O2(g) β‡Œ 2O3(g), write the equilibrium constant expression Kp.
understandIf an equilibrium reaction is endothermic in the forward direction, what is the expected change in the concentration of each component of the system if the temperature of the reaction is increased? If the temperature is decreased?
rememberState the three features of a dynamic equilibrium.