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Cause and Effect relationships#

cause – вызывать
e.g. An increase in pressure causes a shift in chemical equilibrium towards the reaction proceeding with a decrease in volume.
affect / have effect on – иметь влияние на
e.g. An increase in the concentration of reacting substances affects the shift of the equilibrium of reversible reaction towards the reaction product.
influence / have influence on - иметь влияние на
e.g. Pressure, concentration, and temperatureinfluence the shift of equilibrium in a reversable reaction towards decreasing this effect.
result in – приводить к
e.g. The shift of chemical equilibrium towards an increase in gaseous molecules results in a decrease in pressure.
lead to – вести к
e.g. An increase in temperature in an exothermic reaction in equilibrium leads to a shift in equilibrium towards the reactants.