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💿 Group 7 – the Halogens


This is an authentic video. Do not try to understand every word you hear.
Watch and listen for general and specific information by completing the following tasks.

Before you watch:#

Exercise 1. Look at the following characteristics of the group 7 elements, find and correct 1 mistake per element. Study the Periodic table, if necessary.#


While you watch:#

Exercise 2. Read the following statements about halogens and decide if they are T (True) or F (False). Then, watch the video (till 1:44) and check yourself.#

Exercise 3. “A more reactive halogen will always displace a less reactive halogen in a compound”. It will be demonstrated in the video. Watch the video (1:45-2:56) and complete the missing information with NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS.#

Reactions using aqueous solutions:

Exercise 4. What happens when bromine water is added to the same three aqueous solutions? Please, PAUSE the video to think about this and resume once you are done. Watch the video (2:57-4:03) and check yourself.#

potassium chloride + bromine water =
potassium bromide + bromine water =
potassium iodide + bromine water =

Exercise 5. Watch the last part of the video (4:04-till the end) about halogens’ reaction with certain metals.#

After you watch:#

Exercise 6. Describe and explain the trends in:#

a) the boiling points of Group 7 elements as you move down the Periodic Table.
b) electronegativity of Group 7 elements as you move down the Periodic Table.