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Student's self-study


1. Using example, develop tasks for one of the following videos: your video worksheet should have THREE PHASES: pre-watching, while-watching and post-watching exercises.
  • Rates of Reaction - Part 1
  • Rates of Reaction - Part 2
  • Collision Theory & Reactions Part 1
  • Collision Theory & Reactions - Part 2
  • Rates of Reaction - Part 1
    Rates of Reaction - Part 2
    Collision Theory & Reactions Part 1
    Collision Theory & Reactions Part 2

    Learning objectives:# recall and be able to apply the ideas from earlier work on the states of matter and simple collision theory11.3.2.5 understand that the rate of a chemical process can be represented by a rate equation11.3.2.9 know the meaning and definition of ‘catalyst’ be able to apply the ideal gas equation and the molar volume to reactions involving gases11.3.2.6 recall the general rate equation and understand the rate constant and the order of reaction11.3.2.10 understand the process of catalysis and how catalysis works understand the importance of energy in gas and liquid collisions: the Maxwell Boltzmann distribution and activation energy11.3.2.7 be able to investigate how the rate of a reaction changes with changing conditions11.3.2.11 distinguish between homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysts use these concepts to give a comprehensive account of the effects of temperature and concentration on the rate of a reaction11.3.2.8 be able to carry out simple calculations of rates and rate constants11.3.2.12 be able to describe the process of heterogeneous catalysis using a particle explanation

    2. Develop one of the fragments of Lesson plan: you should use#

    • a lesson plan template (Appendix 1);
    • one of the CLIL techniques (Appendix 2);
    • teaching methods; and
    • learning objectives above.