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Language structure

Comparative and Superlatives#

all – все (используется)
e.g. All elements are located in the Periodic table according to their atomic mass.
adjective + er … than… (односложные прилагательные)
e.g. Sodium atom has a lower atomic radius than the atom of potassium.
more + adjective – (двух и более сложные прилагательные)
e.g. Fluorine is more reactive than iodine.
the + adjective + est
e.g. Tungsten has the highest melting point.
the + most + adjective
e.g. Francium has the most striking metallic properties.
as… + adjective + … as –
e.g. Sodium is as good an electric conductor as potassium.
the more … + adjective + the more …
e.g. The higher the number of the period where an element is located the bigger its radius