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Student's self-study


1. Using example, prepare video tasks for the following video:#

1. Using example, develop tasks for one of the following videos: your video worksheet should have THREE PHASES: pre-watching, while-watching and post-watching exercises.
  • Group 1 as an Example of Groups in the Periodic Table
  • Group 1 as an Example of Groups in the Periodic Table

    Learning objectives:# recognise a number of forms of the Periodic Table, historic and modern. understand the significance of the s, p, d and f blocks. recognise periodicity in the table and be able to account for this in terms of effective nuclear charge, ionisation energy, bond types etc. recognise and be able to account for, in terms of effective nuclear charge, the following trends down groups: bond types, melting and boiling points, reactivity etc. (recognise and be able to account for trends down groups using (as a minimum) groups 1 and 17 as exemplification). be able to use the Aufbau Principle to explain the shape of the modern Periodic Table. be able to use the table to read and write the electronic configuration of any element. recall and be able to explain general trends in melting and boiling points, atomic radius, first ionisation energy, acid/base properties (recall and explain general trends using the elements Na to Ar as exemplification).

    2. Develop one of the fragments of Lesson plan: you should use#

    • a lesson plan template (Appendix 1);
    • one of the CLIL techniques (Appendix 2);
    • teaching methods; and
    • learning objectives above.