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Student's self-study


1. Using example, develop tasks for one of the following videos: your video worksheet should have THREE PHASES: pre-watching, while-watching and post-watching exercises.
  • What Is The Electrochemical Series
  • Standard Hydrogen Electrode
  • What Is The Electrochemical Series
    Standard Hydrogen Electrode

    Learning objectives:# recall concepts from earlier grades: oxidation as gain of oxygen and reduction as gain of hydrogen, oxidation and reduction in terms of electron gain and loss11.2.3.4 use electrode potentials to establish an electrochemical series11.2.3.7 understand how cells are used to measure electrode potentials11.2.3.10 understand the processes of charging and discharging cells know and be able to use the rules for assigning oxidation numbers and be able to assign oxidation numbers to individual elements in compounds11.2.3.5 understand the electrochemical cell in terms of conventional representations11.2.3.8 be able to use standard electrode potential to calculate the EMF of a cell and to predict the directions of redox reactions11.2.3.11 understand the construction and operation of a hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell be able to write oxidising and reducing half equations and to combine them into an overall redox equation11.2.3.6 know that standard electrode potentials require standard conditions11.2.3.9 understand electrochemical cells as a source of energy, including the constituents of commercial cells11.2.3.12 understand the benefits and potential risks of fuel cells

    2. Develop one of the fragments of Lesson plan: you should use#

    • a lesson plan template (Appendix 1);
    • one of the CLIL techniques (Appendix 2);
    • teaching methods; and
    • learning objectives above.