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Teaching methods

HOW do you group students in the classroom?#

Option 1: a teacher chooses#

  • grouping students according to patterns, colours, objects:
  • For example, group #1: Protons, group#2: Electrons and group #3: Neutrons
  • grouping students according to students’ same skill level: students can have ability specific tasks. For example, group 1 creates digital model of something, while group 2 draws the model on the poster.
  • grouping students according to mix skill level:students learn better from each other when their different levels and skills are mixed.
  • grouping students according to interest: learn students’ interests via discussion or class survey, and group them accordingly.
  • grouping students according to pre-assigned groups: if a teacher needs specific students to work together, they can be assigned earlier by giving cards with names.
  • grouping students according to a day of the week: a student is assigned to a specific group or a partner for each day of the week. For example, on Wednesday, he/she gets together with her/his Wednesday group.
  • grouping students according to their Contact lists: ask to students create their contact lists in copybooks (like in the phone) and a teacher tells: “today get with second contact”.

Option 2: students choose#

  • students get into groups on their own.
  • students get into groups on their own with a condition: a teacher can say: “Don’t join with a student you worked with the last lesson”.
  • students are grouped according to their responses: a teacher asks a question or gives a quiz, and students join into groups according to how they think or scored.
  • students are given options: they are told different groups and tasks types, and students choose themselves what they want to do.
  • students are grouped by four corners ABCD: A – one corner of the classroom, B – the second corner, C – the third corner and D – the last corner.Each corner has its question, taskor a subtopic to study.